Having 2 boys in the same room is hard. We are trying to get Liam to sleep through the night - but with Eli in there too, it's hard. Liam has a habit of waking up every 3 - 4 hours to eat. This is really annoying to me. (Sounds bad as a mom- but physically, he doesn't need to eat that much - I'm not really being mean.) I know that he can sleep through the night (2 times in Columbia - and 2 other times) and he is fine. SO- I want to be able to go in his room when he wakes up, check his diaper, hug and sooth him for a minute or so and then lay him back down and let him go back to sleep. Rarely does this work smoothly. Most of the time he screams bloody murder for 10 minutes or more until I go back in and pick him up because then Eli is crying to, or worse, he thinks it's time to get up and play. 
The worst time is the early morning
hours because if it's 6 or a little after - Eli is up for the day. Nobody should have to get up before 7 (spoiled a little!). Anyway - this whole process would be a lot easier with more space. We are wanting more rooms when we move in August - but if we get 3, we'll probably still have the boys share so we can have an office/play room...
So that's my rant for tonight.
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