Friday, March 21, 2008

Boy or Girl?

Before I got pregnant I felt that we would have another boy before we had a girl. I thought, that would be fun, 2 boys to play together and it will be easy since we have all the boy stuff and know how to care for baby boys. Then I got pregnant.

I still had the thought in the back of my mind that it would be a boy, but I really started wanting it to be a girl! I figure I would like at least one boy and one girl, and right now we think we want maybe 4 kids, so if I could just have a girl now, it would relieve all pressure and suspense to have a girl the next time. Anyway, I started getting excited about having a girl, thinking how fun that would be. But every time I thought of the baby, I kept calling it he in my mind, so I think I subconsciously thought it would be a boy. And Will and I can't agree on a girl's name, so that is a sign it's a boy too (not really, but that's what happened with Eli too).

Then my sister called and told me she is having a girl. So I thought, well, there go my chances of having a girl, the girls taken for the family! It's a boy for sure. So I have been telling people I think it's a boy. But now, ever since that has happened, I keep calling the baby she in my mind and thinking it's a little miss kicking me inside!

So I don't think I have any idea what this baby is!!! My mind is very mixed up and confused. I'm still rooting for a girl, but I would love having another boy - Eli is so much fun...

Guess we'll have to wait until Monday to find out!!! Hopefully the baby cooperates and shows off a bit! I'll keep you posted!

1 comment:

Scooby said...

Either way, it's just fun being honorary aunties and uncles. :)