While visiting family is wonderful and I LOVED seeing everyone - there really is no place like home. I am so glad to be back in my own house with my own things and our own bed... although right now I am smelling a very foul thing that I can not find, so that's yucky! : ( We got home late on Friday nite, and Saturday I took Eli up to Cayucos to spend time with all the females on my dad's side of the family.

I'm not really looking forward to single momness for 2 weeks though. I can't imagine what these women do when they have more than one kid, or even just one, and have no support around. I at least have all my co-workers, and if things get really tough, I can take off and go to grandmas! I have a feeling that these two weeks will go a bit quicker with Eli around than they did when Will went to Nicaragua, but it's still 2 weeks, and being at the start of it - 2 weeks seems like forever!
So - drop me a line - I'll have some time (maybe not, with Eli all to myself!) - but I'd love to at least hear from everyone!
Be praying for my sanity! Eli is quite a handful now and I get exhausted sometimes from just one busy hour!