I've also discovered how much I enjoy hearing about other mom's lives. So, while I am a very busy mom myself, and I complain to Will over and over how I never get to do anything I enjoy anymore or have me-time (essentially - I never scrapbook - which he jokes that I don't really scrapbook - I collect scrap booking materials), I will most likely now spend my "free" time reading other mom blogs that I randomly find on here - instead of making use of that time to do what I "want" to do. (don't tell Will) Except here in Canada, I don't feel bad because I don't have my scrapbook stuff with me, and thus the addiction to mommy blogs will begin here because I have nothing else to do, except watch TV.
Eli is so cute. Can I just say that I have the cutest 5 1/2 month old baby in the whole world? I really think he is the cutest in the whole world no matter how old, but as so many of my friends have babies, you learn to be specific so their kids can be the cutest babies too...
I've been going through all his pictures on our I-photo to get them printed, and here are a few of my favorites.

oh lori!! I'm so excited your blogging, i know what you mean~ There is something very reasuring about reading the blogs of other moms. i love it ;-)
Hi Lori, I'm so glad I found your blog (through Will's, and facebook...) You have a beautiful little boy!! I'll have to send you an e-mail sometime... update you on my life. Have a great week!
If you're into 'mom' blogs, this is an interesting one that I've found (its almost addicting... and I'm not a mom) http://motherhoodquest.blogspot.comhopefully I got that url right.
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